Saturday, May 27, 2006

Another Day....

This is going to be a weird weekend...but I'm making the most of it.

Getting ready to go to the beach. There's a lot of stuff going on to celebrate Memorial Day. I NEED to be around people and with Mike over in Iraq I NEED/WANT to celebrate this holiday for him and all the other men & women who are serving our country.

I called Penny (Mike's ex-wife) to ask about Adam (his son). Was thinking I could take him but I haven't heard anything. So....

I've realized why this whole experience is so hard. During a "regular" deployment the Navy has a GREAT support system for the families. It is so much easier to be with people who are experiencing the same thing as you are. The Army & Navy have made sure they are giving the "SAILDERS" the training they need but it seems as if they have forgotten about the families. I'm sure part of it is because these guys/gals are coming from all over the country as opposed to being on a ship. So it would be difficult to have a "support" team, but I'm sure something could be done and I think something should be done. Maybe I'll write my congressman.... Alright I'll get off my soapbox now....

I haven't heard from Mike since Wednesday. I really miss that. I knew it would be like this, but it doesn't make it any easier...I miss him so much.

I told Mike I wanted to buy the American Flag so I could fly the "colors"
on my house for him while he was gone, so Mike being the sweetheart he is bought me one. I came home one day & he had hung it up...when I came around the corner I swear it was as if that flag was huge, it was the only thing I saw!!! I was so happy....I bring this up because we ended up having to take it down because of where he hung wasn't sturdy. Anyway to make a long story short...time got away from us and we never hung it back up. So one of my goals was to have the "Colors" flying before Monday. So I'm proud to say, I finally have the flag flying....Thanks Mike for buying it for me and for being you....I love you baby and I am so proud of you!

Until tomorrow.....

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