Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A lot of running around today...

I did exactly what the title of this post says....I went to post office to drop off Mike's box and while I was there I had to pick up a package...well it turns out it was Brady's Diploma!!!! It was the best feeling when I found out what it was...I kinda laughed and said WOW, he really did graduate and they didn't just let him walk across the stage!!!! I can't wait to give it to him. He worked really hard for that piece of paper. He is going to be thrilled. And I am going to the airport....I have to see him. I was going to surprise him but I didn't know when he was flying in or anything so I had to ask. He was excited too.

After the post office I had to go to my home office in Chesapeake and then after that I had to go to the clinic to pick up some x-rays. Of course all this was in Chesapeake so it took me about 45 minutes to get home because of traffic...it was 400 before I left the area....Now I remember why I hated living out there.

Mike & I didn't get to talk quite as long today. He was really busy and I had all this stuff to do. We did manage to get in some time though. I know the day will come again where we don't get to talk everyday so I want to be here for him while we can....

I know I've said this before, but Mike is such a special person. He has the biggest heart and is the most caring person I know. I love him for it. As hard as this is on us, I can't help but think it's going to make us grow closer in the end. We have so much time to really get to know each other and talk about everything. I can't help but think when your together, almost everyday, it's the little things that go by and you don't even realize it. Where as now, neither one of us are willing to let anything "slide" by. He is truly an amazing person!!!!

With that said I really need to go get ready to met my other favorite guy!!!! I can't wait to see him. I know it's only been a month and I have gone longer than that when he was in school, but for whatever reason this seems different. I guess cause he really is all grown up!!!! I still say I'm to damn young to have a kid as old as him!!!! hahahaha

I hope you had lots & lots of sweet dreams Mike, I love you with all of my heart!!!! I miss you babe!!!!

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