Monday, June 19, 2006

Wow, What a day!

Today was pretty uneventful. I was busy as all get out at work. It's the time of year in the government where you always have a lot of financial drills. So it can be very stressful. Everybody is freaking out about whether or not there will be enough money to start FY07. Of course there always is.

Mike called me twice today and both times I missed his call. I hate it when that happens. I know he understands but when I get back to my desk and I see a weird number show up on my phone my heart just sinks because I know it was him. I was able to talk to him on line at lunch time tho. He was again extremely tired. He was working outside a lot today and the tempature really wears him out....of course I don't know why....the temp was only about 125!!!! What a day to have to work outside! Mike you know I'm just playing!! I can't imagine having to work in that kind of heat. He also said that where he is it's a lot more humid then when he was at Camp Victory. So you know that just makes it hotter. My poor babe!!!!

Now that he finally has a mailing address he asked me to pick him up some stuff and put in the mail. Just general stuff, plus he did forget some things before he left so I've been waiting for him to get a mailing address to ship that stuff off. I know he's anxious to start receiving mail. So if your reading this don't forget to send him a note now & again. I know he will appreciate it.

Brady will be in town tomorrow night. He is coming home to go to his best friends wedding. I'm so excited to see him. He is actually gonna spend most of the time here with me. Which I'm looking forward to. We haven't had alone time in a long while. His girlfriend Jess will be here Thursday so at least I will have Wednesday night. His dad is going to pick him up at the airport because Brady's car is at his house & he wants to be able to have it when he gets up Wed. I don't blame him. And he isn't getting in until late so....he didn't want me to have to stay up that late to pick him up....isn't that sweet...

Gonna run for now....Good Night Mike, I love you!!!!

p.s. Mike you really made my day today....I couldn't stop smiling the whole afternoon!!!! Thanks for being you, babe!!

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