Monday, July 10, 2006

Roses are Pink!!!

Well another weekend has come and gone. I received a wonderful surprise from Mike on Saturday. He sent me a dozen roses! He wanted them to be yellow, if you have read earlier post you know that yellow roses are my favorite rose, but we're assuming the florist didn't have yellow so it was in their disclaimer they could replace a flower to get the delivery out on time.

As you can see the ones I did receive are absoultly beautiful. I have never seen this color pink before so I was very happy either way. And the best thing is, I was actually chatting with Mike when the doorbell rang, at first I wasn't going to answer it, but I told Mike someone was at the door and he was like well you better answer it. Nobody ever knocks on my door unless it's a salesperson, so I was like no, they will go away. Well Mike knew what it was so he pushed me to answer the door, and I am very glad he did. He is such a thoughtful person and I love him so much!

The Journey & Def Leopard concert was absoultely wonderful. The only thing missing was Mike! But he was there in spirit and in my heart! I enjoyed spending time with my sister and her fiance' (sp?). After the concert we went to our local hang out to have some snacks and drink, so we could visit a little bit. It was a great evening!

I was finally able to wash my car yesterday. My poor babe was so dirty. I know she was like "mommy you ever gonna give me a bath again", yes when it's comes to my car I am a sick-o!! LOL! I think that was one of the first things Mike fell in love with, a women who hates a dirty car and someone who is just as anal as he is, when it comes to cars!!! I love ya Mike!

Well off to work I go, Hope your having a wonderful day Mike! I love you!

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