Tuesday, September 19, 2006

What a day.........

I chatted with Mike a couple of times today and he is doing so good. He says the temperature is starting to drop which he is very happy about. He actually had to turn off his AC last night because he was too cold! If he is able to come home in January, I'm going to have to hug him the entire time he's here to keep him warm. Darn the bad luck!! You know a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do! Maybe we will have an Indian summer while he is here and he won't have to wear a parka the entire time!

This is the time in a "normal" Navy deployment that you start to get really excited. You've past the half point; it makes it difficult to realize we still have a LONG way to go. I miss Mike more and more everyday! I think he is having some homesick days as well. We are doing good, but it is hard. Not much longer and we will be at the half; after that it will be all downhill!

I finally received a call from my mother about Reenie about 900 last night. Reenie did good during the surgery. The doctor had to remove a disc from her back. He really didn't have much more to say, other than we would just have to wait and see how she does. This morning I called my mother, or so I thought, and my first question was "How is she?", I heard giggling and "She is fine, you're talking to she, and she is getting ready to eat, I am starved!" It was my sister. She sounded GREAT! The pain & numbness in her leg is completely gone and the only pain she felt in her back was from the surgery! She was just so happy to be "pain-free". I can't imagine saying that after a 3 hour back surgery so I'm thinking she was in serious pain before the surgery. She was waiting for my mother to get there so she could go home. They sure don't keep you long anymore, do they? They were going to give her morphine for the hour long ride home. I'm getting ready to call to find out how her day went. Hopefully she's still feeling the same as she was this morning.

I found out today that my SportsPlex job is starting back up, YEA!!!!!!!! My first night to work will be October 6th! I really am excited! Although as the title to yesterday's post says, it will just be one more thing to make the weekends fly by........

I love you, Mike!

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