Friday, January 26, 2007

It's a Secret!

Time to tell eveyone what the secret is................Mike left Kuwait today to come home for his 15 day R&R! YEA!!!! Needless to say I am so excited. He wasn't supposed to arrive here in Norfolk until Sunday but when he called me today with his itinerary he will be arriving tomorrow. His "scheduled" flight is due to arrive around 730 pm BUT he arrives in Atlanta around 830 am,. We are so hoping he is able to get on a stand-by and come home earlier. I can't imagine having to sit at the airport ALL day knowing you are so close to home. AND I want him to be able to walk off the plane! I can hear him now..."babe I just had a few drinks"....well when you haven't had ANYTHING in 8 months...a few drinks could knock you on your ass! Oh well...just as long as he makes it home!

Well a friend is on his way over to take me over to the storage unit so I can get Mike's car. I thought I would have it here waiting for him when he got home. I wanted to wash it but today I definitely wasn't going to do it....It was freezing!!!! Maybe I'll be able to do it in the morning.

I hope all is well...I will be sure to post that he arrives home safely.


1 comment:

obgirl042 said...

Ahhhh!! I didn't even finish reading the post yet...I just got to "Mike left Kuwait today" and I had to comment! I'm so happy for you, I know you have been waiting forever for this! Have a blast, post if you can, but JUST HAVE FUN, RELAX AND ENJOY EACH OTHER!!

I'll be thinking about you and sending nice weather wishes your way! :)
