Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Another Milestone...

As far as I know Mike will be flying to Iraq tomorrow morning. Each step he takes brings him further and further into danger but yet brings him closer and closer to home. I like the sound of that....Coming Home!!!!

I talked to Mike numerous times today and as usual I loved each & everytime. We both were very emotional. I think a lot of it has to do with it is finally happening... he's going to Iraq! It's still so hard to believe this is happening. He is a sailor, not a solider. Yes at times it is still hard to believe and makes me a little angry. I will always be proud of him, through all of this, I have never seen someone who is so proud to do what has been asked of him. Please keep him and all the servicemen & women in your prayers!

Here is a picture of "Tent City" where Mike has been staying for the past week. He said this is only a very small part. Tent City is HUGE!!
Again I just can't imagine. Look how big the AC units are. I have asked Mike to send me a pic of what one looks like inside so when I get it I will be sure to post it.

I also wanted to post a picture of "The Guys". This is who Mike has been hanging out with. He hopes to be stationed with at least one of them. It's amazing to me, Mike has been gone almost 1 month and he still has no idea who he will be living with for the next year....
The picture was taken just before they took off from Sig headed for Kuwait. When I was at Ft. Jackson, SC, I was able to meet them and they are all really nice guys. Mike is lucky to have them with him.

I received a call from Brady today. He was getting ready to fly back to Cali. He's having a good time. Mike (his boss) (yes another Mike) is teaching him all the ropes. Of course being his mom I asked if he & Mike have decided exactly what Brady was going to be doing for him. I guess they've decided that Brady is going to be his "Business Manager". He will be handling all of Mike's financial issues....pretty scarey to me. I guess they know what they are doing. I mean after all Brady does have a minor in business...so at least for now school is paying off....

Well enough for now....Mike I love you with all my heart. Keep your chin up, baby! We are all here for you!

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