Thursday, June 08, 2006

I'm back!

Yes I know it's been 3 days since I last posted. I don't have any excuse except I just haven't been in a good frame of mind.

Work has been extremely busy, which is a good thing. Yet it's been hard for me to concentrate, I guess it's the ADHD kicking in. And I've wondered where Brady got it!! hahaha

Mike has been very busy as well. Yet he still takes time to call me. It makes me love him all the more. I know at times he is so exhausted and all he wants to do is go to bed but he still calls to say hi and believe me it just makes my day!!!! He hasn't had a day off since arriving in Iraq, which has been tough on him. He's been in class for the last 10 days and with it being so hot, the classroom heats up in the afternoon to about 95 degrees and that's with 3 AC's running! I can't imagine being in that kind of environment and trying to learn. He had a test today and I'm not surprised he got a 100. He was so worried about it last night. I kept telling him he would do fine because he's so SMART!!!! I am very proud of him!

I know I've been saying this since he left but here I go again. When he gets to his FOB (Forward Operating Base) he has no idea what to expect as far as what communications will be. I know at first he will be extremely busy setting up & organizing whatever it is he's doing. So he wants to call as much as he can now because of it. I am truly grateful for that.

Here is a picture of when he was in Catania of Elephant Square. It looks absolutely beautiful.

I hope you can see the elephant. Looks neat! I'm really glad they were able to do a little bit of site-seeing on their way to Iraq. I'm pretty sure he's not going to get to do much while he's in Iraq.

I am in the process of trying to get hired on into a government position. I hope it works out. Being a contractor really sucks because you have NO security. My contract is up for re-bid this summer. It's not as if I have enough on my plate, right? You always have to worry about having a job. Well not really having a job, if my company loses the contract I would probably just go with the new company, but then I have to start from scratch again as far as 401K, vacation, etc...It would just be so much better if I could get hired on in a GS position. I will let you know the outcome. Keep your fingers crossed!

Well gonna run...I need to look up airline tickets. I'm going to fly to Omaha either the 3rd or 4th weekend in July to visit Mike's parents, brother & sister-in-law and his nieces. It should be a GREAT time. Mike has a wonderful family. After just meeting them one time I have already come to love them and it seems as if they have accepted me as well. Which of course makes it easier for Mike & I. But it's like I always say...what's not to like, right? hahahaha Remember Mike....It is ALL about ME!!!!! (Inside joke guys!!)

Mike I love you, babe....Stay safe for me!!!

1 comment:

Matty said...

wow, that's amazing what you guys are going through. we often forget that all our service people have families and loved ones left behind and you have to cope without them for a while. Love the picture from Catania, but not sure where that is. I like your blog.