Thursday, July 06, 2006

Visit from the Vice CNO!

In reference to the title of this blog, Mike and other "Saildier's" had dinner with the Vice Chief of Naval Operations (VCNO) Admiral Robert R. Willard, second highest in the Navy command. He was at Mike's FOB to get information on how the Navy is being treated and what our Navy guys are doing. Mike was very impressed with him and said he was very down to earth. He seemed very sincere and concerned about our guys. The VCNO also said he was very proud of the sailiors and that the Navy "owed them"!

He also presented each of the sailors a coin. In the military coins are something to pass on to individuals to remember certain events or commands. Mike has a Chiefs coin that was given to him when he made Chief. He carries it with him at all times. I can remember times when we out the door in the car going somewhere & he realized he forgot to put the coin in his pocket and we've turned around so he can get it. He even bought me a Chiefs coin before he left so I could make "big boy decisions"! Inside joke. Of course now I don't go anywhere without mine either. It is in my wallet at ALL times.

Not much else is going on. I've been very busy at work. It's kind of been weird because at times I don't know if I'm coming or going and then it seems like's it dead. I wish there was a happy medium.

My girlfriend and I were going to start walking tonight but it's raining AGAIN! I have never seen so much rain in a long time. It really makes it hard to mow the yard and keep a car clean. Right now my car is completely trashed and I hate it. Another thing Mike and I have in common...we both are anal about our cars. When we think they are disgusting everyone else thinks they are clean. Oh well, the way I look at it, if your going to spend that kind of money on something you may as well take care of it.

Well I'm off to relax and heading to bed soon. I'm working tomorrow night and I believe it's another double. And then Saturday my sister and her boyfriend will be here. Before Mike left he bought me a concert ticket to see Def Leopard and Journey!!!! I can't believe it's Saturday night. I didn't think it would ever get here and now it's here. I guess time is starting to fly....

Good night Mike, I love you!!

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