Saturday, August 19, 2006

Another weekend almost done.....

Not much going on here in VA Bch or in Iraq. Mike and I were able to talk a couple of times today. He was tired but not so much from working. He got up at 300 am so he could catch "DA BEARS" pre-season game; Pre-season being the operative word!...I have never seen someone as passionate watching football than Mike. I know I've said this before about a lot of different things, but again.....This is one of the many reasons I fell in love with him. The very first night I met him he was wearing his Michigan jersey and had just finish watching a game. Jeremy (his brother) was in town and they were watching it together. I didn't get to see him watch a Bears game until the following weekend, but I loved it. At the time I wasn't sure if I liked watching him or the game more! His friend Pat is also a Bears fan, so at least for now he has someone to watch the game with.

My sister came over for a bit today. We were going to spend the afternoon together but things came up so we didn't, but it was good to see her for a while anyway.

I worked my last Mariners game last night and OMG it was SOOOO busy. The busiest we have ever been. I think it was because of it being the last season game and it was the last game before school starts. I am not complaining though I made some good money. It's amazing how quickly you get used to having the extra duckies. As I've said before though, some of the high school football games are held at the stadium so we're going to be working for them as well. I can't wait!

Well not much else. Have a great day! (what's left of it anyway)

Good night Mike...I love you bunches & bunches!!!!

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